Interested in Maryville but still have a few questions? Check out Maryville University’s frequently asked questions (FAQs) below.
DYK: 98% of Maryville’s full-time, traditional undergraduate students receive some form of financial aid!
Undergraduate Tuition and Fees
Maryville University offers several financial aid programs:
Federal Aid Grants
Federal Aid Work
Federal Loans
State Grants
State Scholarships
Institutional Grants
Institutional Scholarships
You can view information about our scholarships here
If you are a current student and seeking to have a transfer credit applied, you may email the transcript to
In support of our strategic plan as it relates to access and in alignment with our admissions philosophy of holistic review, each applicant will be reviewed based upon their academic record, extracurricular activities, recommendations and essay for evidence of potential for success in college.
Test-Optional will not apply to the following groups of students
– Prospective student athletes are mandated by the NCAA to submit standardized test scores for athletic eligibility.
– Students applying from secondary schools/organizations that provide only narrative evaluations rather than some form of grading scale.
The following academic programs require specific minimum GPA’s for admission consideration:
Design and Visual Art
Direct-Entry Physical Therapy
Early Direct Admit Occupational Therapy
Fast Track Nursing
Nursing – Day
Music Therapy
Nursing – Adult and Online
Post-Licensure RN-BSN Nursing
Transfer applicants need a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in college work for admission. Students with less than a 2.0 GPA may be considered for admission on probation.
The following academic programs require specific minimum GPA’s for admission consideration:
Design and Visual Art
Direct-Entry Physical Therapy
Early Direct Admit Occupational Therapy
Fast Track Nursing
Nursing – Day
Music Therapy
Nursing – Adult and Online
Post-Licensure RN-BSN Nursing
Maryville University’s detailed course schedule is published online before the upcoming registration period. In some cases, a life coach/adviser’s approval is required to register for classes. Students should contact their life coach/adviser prior to the registration period to schedule an advising appointment. Life coaches/advisers assist in course selection and guide students in satisfying specific degree requirements as efficiently as possible.
Many students can register online. Assistance with registration is always available by contacting the Solution Squad or your life coach/adviser.
In general, students have through the first week of class to register. Please contact the Solution Squad at (314) 529-9360 or by e-mail at for more information on registration deadlines.
All residential students are required to have a meal plan. The minimum meal plan requirement for Resident Hall students is Plan C. The minimum meal plan requirement for Apartment students is Plan F.
Click on the program you are interested in to see that program’s degree planning sheet.
Individual programs are also accredited.
Information provided by U.S. News & World Report College Rankings
Locations in the past have included:
Visitor Center Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm
By phone: Monday – Friday 8 am – 5:30 pm
The Solution Squad services the Academic Records team. Contact the Solution Squad with any questions you may have about your Academic Record at or (314) 529-9360.
Maryville University offers the convenience of online student account services for electronic payments, billing, refunding and automated tuition payment plans for students. These services are offered online through My Account, where you are able to see current activity on your student account, make payments, signup for payment plans, and setup a refund profile.